Mar 23, 2011

Recognizing the problem with conventional treatments, such as tonsillitis

Treatment of tonsillitis on the lines of modern  system with spray painting and dangerous and repressive. This helps to eliminate toxins system, which is the root of the problem. In fact, it forces these toxins back into the system, which may cause more serious problems later. The correct way to mengubati disease is to clean up remaining toxic system through proper diet.
To kick off, the patient's need to fast for three to five days, during which calm the symptoms worse. Nothing but water and lime juice should be taken during this time. The intestines should be cleaned every day with lukewarm water enema during fasting . A cold compress should be applied to the pharynx in the intervening two hours in the afternoon. This procedure is to eliminate some linen material in cold, plastic water or twice around the throat and cover flannelling few.

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