Apr 8, 2011

The benefits of green tea for diabetes patients

Green tea is commonly used by diabetic patients is famous for its medicinal properties. It is a composition of unfermented leaves that can be used as drink and drugs. Camellia sinensis is the other name for medicinal tea. Drinking green tea is an effective way to control glucose metabolism. Study of diabetic patients show that those who drink herbal tea has a high blood sugar controlled. It promotes the production of insulin, glucose absorption blocks and helps manage blood sugar. Controlling blood pressure is another benefit of drinking tea. Presence of antioxidants such as polyphenols in green tea herbal takes control of the pressure that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Slightly bitter taste of tea is due to the presence of polyphenols.

Antioxidants prevent the operation of the action of free radicals in the body. These free radicals are responsible for cellular damage and aging functions. Regular consumption of herbal tea helps the normal functioning of body cells. Tea, made with catechins and polysaccharides slow growth in the level of glucose in the blood. Compounds of six major catechins in green tea rooms include catechin, gallaogatechin, epicatechin, epigallogatechin, gallate and epicatechin gallate apigallochatechin. Of these six compounds catechin gallate, commonly known as EGCG apigallochatechin the adequacy and functioning of a majority in green tea.

Green tea can be added to the diet of the patient as a natural food supplement regularly. Please contact your professional health care when you need help with dosage levels. Nutritionists suggest drinking at least 2-3 cups of green tea per day herbal. Green tea plays an important role in reducing body weight of a person. Low body weight decreases the levels of blood sugar and prevent diabetes-related consequences. Experiments have shown that the use of green tea has helped many diabetics to control their body weight.

Drinking green tea promotes the excretion of urine, prevents flatulence, maintains body temperature, improves cardiac function and helps the healing of wounds. magical powers of green tea by suppressing stress helps prevent hypertension there by reducing the risk of diabetes. Amino acid L-theanine found in green tea are responsible for the property anti-stress. Appropriate control of the power of digestion, reduce the risk of constipation and improve mental health are other benefits of using green tea to food.

Main role played by green tea in regulating postprandial hyperglycemic state is remarkable. postprandial hyperglycemia is a diabetic condition that occurs due to the increased level of blood sugar after a meal. Drink green tea and fresh after meals helps to reduce blood glucose levels after eating due to hyperglycemia. Patients with type 2 diabetes are often advised to drink green tea and fresh to keep their blood glucose levels. Today, herbal extracts of green tea is added to many food supplements to improve nutrient content. tea leaf powder mixed with food supplements. It is also available in capsule and liquid market. Supplements of green tea without caffeine is preferred for better health delivery. It helps to lead a healthy life, without effect.

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