Apr 5, 2011

Garlic for asthma

Another effective remedy for asthma is garlic. Patients should be given daily garlic cloves boiled in thirty grams of milk as a cure for early stages of asthma. Steaming ginger tea with minced garlic in it, can also help the problem under control and should be taken in the morning and evening.
Turmeric is also seen as an effective drug for asthma. Patients should be given a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk two or three times a day. This works best if taken on an empty stomach.

During the attack, mustard oil mixed with camphor should be massaged a little in the back of the thorax. This will release the mucus and make breathing easier. Patients should also inhale steam from boiling water with caraway seeds, known  in the vernacular. This will enlarge the airway.

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  1. New York Times of India reports that the family has faced criticism for the practice and was to be called after a court order to use the medicine Why can say that the treatment is based on faith.

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  2. This will be a version of the mucus and make breathing easier. Patients should also inhale steam from boiling water with caraway seeds, known in the vernacular.

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