Mar 23, 2011

Anti-Aging Spa: the example of lecithin

For ageless, lecithin. In addition to subtracting the cholesterol in the blood, it's growing scientific evidence that indicates other benefits from lecithin. It has been suggested that unlicensed making sufficient quantities to help maintain the original cells and organs that need it. Lecithin helps to maintain kesihatan them when they are repaired. This may mean that unlicensed lack of lecithin in the diet may be oneof the causes of aging and its use can be beneficial in slowing the aging process. Edward R. Hewith in his book, years of between 75 and 90 said, "with parents remains high fat in the blood five to seven hours and in some Kes up to 20 hours, so the more fat to find the circuit If lecithin. given to parents before eating have shown that free fatty fat in the blood returns to normal will, as they do in young people. "

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