Apr 27, 2011

Meet healthy cuisine Practices Know

Example: Foods that require a careful Cooking

Certain foods, especially when not cooked properly, because indigestion. Some people react negatively to certain foods such as beans, cabbage, onions, cucumber, radishes and seafood. Fried foods, as well as rich and spicy foods often cause abdominal discomfort and gas, and aggravate the existing situation.

What are some other important considerations?
  • Excessive smoking and intake of alcohol can also cause stomach upsets.
  • Constipation may interfere with the normal flow of ingested material through the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in gas and abdominal pain.
  • Drinking too much water with meals, insomnia, emotions such as jealousy, fear andanger and physical inactivity are among the other causes of indigestion.

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1 comment:

  1. That's informative and inspiring!
    Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the visit. :)
